Because you asked for it!!!


hmmm seems that Door to door didn't have a good response… I watched it and it was good!!!  *which isn't a surprise when were talking about super Hollywood Ninostar, right??*

soooo apart from that… just a response for tweetfriends

here's Blake and Narya in kitten mode!!!

*aka Matsufancat and Little Muffin*

horrible hands are my bro's XDD;;;

and that's it!!!

*I'm working on the gifs… ^^UU*

See ya!!!

note: I ul Hip pop boogie and Subarashi sekai on my imeem list, so if you don't want to get spoiled skip the 3rd and 4th songs

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14 Responses to Because you asked for it!!!

  1. eyl says:

    Such a cute kitties!!! *____*

  2. yygall says:

    i've said this before, but please let me say (ok, squeal) it again:
    what abt now what abt now? wanna see their "now" pics too~~~~

  3. TK3104 says:

    Kawaiiii~~ I like Kiities.

  4. Tenjo Style says:

    Kyaaaaa!! lovely kitties <33333

  5. dellie says:

    uuuuuuu they are sooooo cute!!!! O___O!!!I wanna steal them from you **evil grin** XDD~

  6. loopsnhoops says:

    haha i have 5 kittens back at home!! i only name one though.. cos the rest looks the same.. the odd one was the one w the shortest n cutest tail i've ever seen.. must love cats<3<3i like blake! his legs are short LOL

  7. ghol says:

    waaaah! they're sooooo cute!!!

  8. K. says:

    kyaaa so cute!! I want to hug them <33333 I love kitties and Blake and Narya are so dang cute!! Btw Blake is is totally the Matsufancat, look at him sticking his tongue out! It's like MatsuJun in concert mode xDD <33333 thanks so much for sharing Nianna! do show how they look like now from time to time ❤

  9. matsuzy says:

    wow!! they are absolutely so cute!!! wah i want kitties too! *cuddles them virtually*

  10. Choshi says:

    i want kitties like yours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Jan-Ken-Pon says:

    Ahh my goshhhhhhhhhhhh~ they are soooooooooooooooooooo cute~~~~ <3333333 so tinyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy~~awwwwwwI want kitties like themmmm~ XD

  12. badwolf says:

    "Door to Door" was already on TV? O_O …I….I missed it (._.)OMG, they're so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Chai says:

    Awww… the kittens are so adorable…and tiny!

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