
our boys lost… again -_-

and not only that but I couldn't watch the whole program cuz the PC just turned off and it took a while to turn it on and close all the programs, plus the KH took like forever to connect >"<   I'm sure someone in the other side of the world heard my desperation  screams…  *pudding friend???*

all that I could watch was the climbing thing with the girl guest and the coin game…

awwwwwwwwwwwwww Riida pointed at himself as the most dame  *huuuuuuuuuuuuugs*

guys… you have to win!!! please!!!

ahhhh also I watched the zero thing with Matsujun and it seems that he took a little walk around the uni!!! oO

and in the next show a funny interview with the cast of TLP  ^^   *I wanna watch it with subs…*


I started watching the k-drama and I must say it's pretty interesting

and ah… eh… hee hee each time that the Goong guy appears I giggle a little cuz I can imagine Riida in his place *______*


ahhh today is Mother's day over here    *I know that in most places is on the 11th, but not here*

sooooooooooooo a little pic to celebrate this day!!!

Fumi and mommy!!!


give all your moms hugs for me!!!   *if they ask why… ah… ehhh… well cuz they made a great job raising such great girls!!! ^^*

and I still believe that mine was kidnapped by an UFO!!!! >"<

etooooo what part of YOU CAN TAKE THE GIFS is not clear??? oO

See ya!!!

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2 Responses to Again???!!!

  1. J-stuff says:

    you're cats are just so darn cute! were they sleeping together?
    it is sad that they lost again since they've been playing the games for 4-5 times already… -___-
    soredemo gambette Arashi no minna-san!

  2. yygall says:

    i heard ya, girl! i heard ya! *checking pudding receptor* sorry it took a while ^^;
    i…can't KH anymore. dl is so expensive. and KH uses a lot of that. Orz. have you tried TVU player? it is a minute slower than KH, but usually not quite as bad as KH…
    riida in a drama! riida in a drama! i celebrated with oyakodon and ocha! riida (food) rocks! XD
    now, all i have to do is wait for riida to become a lawyer and take me faraway…*giggles*
    *massive lawful maou pudding hugs*

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